In Ukraine, solar panels will begin to be massively installed on schools, administrative buildings, and hospitals.

Mass installation of solar panels
Mass installation of solar panels

The Cabinet of Ministers approved a program for the massive installation of solar panels on the roofs of government institutions, including schools, hospitals, and administrative buildings.

According to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, this project is aimed at increasing the country's energy independence by the end of 2025.

This is a task for both ministries and all local leaders. We need to reach a level where the maximum number of hospitals, administrative buildings, and schools are autonomous

According to him, the installation of solar panels will not only reduce the load on the centralized energy system but also ensure the safety of critically important institutions in case of power outages.

The feature of the program is the use of solar panels together with energy storage systems, which will ensure stable power supply even at night and in adverse weather conditions.

Project funding is expected from various sources, including international aid and private funds. The government is also considering the possibility of attracting grant programs and creating a special state fund to support this initiative.

Recall that Kyiv residents can receive compensation for purchasing generators and solar panels.

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