Vegetables have become more expensive in Ukraine: prices for cucumbers, potatoes, and cabbage in markets and supermarkets.

Prices for Ukrainian vegetables
Prices for Ukrainian vegetables

Changes in vegetable prices in Ukraine in September 2024

In September 2024, Ukrainian consumers encountered noticeable changes in the prices of essential vegetables. Analysis of data from several major retail chains shows that the prices of potatoes, cabbage, and cucumbers experienced significant fluctuations compared to August of the same year.

"Khvilya" writes about this, referring to the data from the Ministry of Finance and the Pochatok market.

Prices in supermarkets

Potatoes, one of the most popular vegetables in Ukrainian cuisine, showed a tendency for price growth. The average cost of regular potatoes in September was 26.32 UAH per kilogram, which is 17% higher than the August figure of 22.49 UAH. Especially noticeable was the price increase for new potatoes – their price soared to 40.60 UAH per kilogram, nearly doubling the August price of 22.76 UAH. Interestingly, the price of pink potatoes, on the contrary, slightly decreased – from 26.90 UAH in August to 24.90 UAH in September.

White cabbage

White cabbage also showed a price increase, though less significant. In September, the average price for this vegetable reached 30.44 UAH per kilogram, which is 7.8% higher than the August figure of 33.01 UAH. It is worth noting that cabbage prices vary depending on the retail chain: from 27.77 UAH in Metro to 34.90 UAH in Megamarket.


The most significant price increase affected cucumbers. While in August the average price was 65.20 UAH per kilogram, in September it rose to 72.69 UAH, an increase of 11.5%. This can be attributed to the end of the season and a decrease in market supply.

Market prices

It is worth noting that, for example, at the Pochatok market, old potatoes are offered at a wholesale price ranging from 21 to 23 UAH per kilogram. At the same Time, the maximum retail price is 30 UAH, with the minimum also being 30 UAH.

The situation with white cabbage is somewhat different. The wholesale price ranges widely from 7 to 15 UAH per kilogram. The maximum retail price is 30 UAH, while the minimum is 25 UAH. Such a discrepancy between wholesale and retail prices may indicate a significant margin for sellers or additional costs associated with transportation and storage of the product.

As for cucumbers, their wholesale price ranges from 40 to 50 UAH per kilogram. The maximum retail price reaches 70 UAH, while the minimum is 60 UAH. This relatively high price may be related to seasonality and the peculiarities of this cucumber variety.

Overall, these data show that there is a noticeable price difference between the Pochatok market and supermarkets. Also, wholesale and retail prices for popular vegetables differ.

Earlier, Ukrainians were advised on whether to stock up on cheap potatoes and how prices might change soon.

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