A powerful gas well has been launched in Ukraine.

Powerful gas well launched in Ukraine
Powerful gas well launched in Ukraine

Specialists of the company "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" successfully started work at an old field, where they managed to achieve a production rate of 107 thousand cubic meters of gas per day.

This new well is an appraisal and production well and has a depth of 3715 meters.

"High production rate at this well was achieved thanks to intensification measures, including three stages of hydraulic fracturing. The well was developed using a coiled tubing unit. The idea of drilling the well itself belongs to the experienced geologist Mykola Yavodchak, who has dedicated over 25 years to working at Ukrgazvydobuvannya. I thank him and the entire team for the great result," - said the interim head of "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" Serhiy Lahno.

The well was drilled by the Shebelinsky drilling department at an existing gas condensate field, which has been developed since 1978. Despite this, the field has significant residual reserves - over 900 million cubic meters of gas.

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