Prices for cigarettes and alcohol will skyrocket in Ukraine: The National Bank named the reasons.

Image of rising prices for cigarettes and alcohol
Image of rising prices for cigarettes and alcohol

According to the National Bank, prices for tobacco products and alcoholic beverages in Ukraine will rise. This will happen due to the fulfillment of Ukraine's eurointegration obligations, which involves a gradual increase in excise taxes on cigarettes. In addition, there are plans to change the system of alcohol taxation by transferring excise taxes from hryvnia to euro, which will lead to an increase in the cost of alcoholic beverages for consumers.

It is also expected that prices for tobacco products and alcoholic beverages will rise due to the strengthening of measures against shadow products. Moreover, from 2025, it is planned to increase tariffs for gas, heating, and hot water supply.

Information about these changes is contained in the macroeconomic forecast of the National Bank of Ukraine.

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