Expulsion from Higher Education Institutions or Career Problems: How the New Law Will Change Students' Lives.

The university index has cheerfully buried itself in the gutter
Вплив нових законів на майбутнє студентів: труднощі у навчанні та кар'єрі

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine warns students about the consequences of not passing military exams or refusing military oath. According to Deputy Minister of Defense Serhiy Melnyk, such students may be expelled from universities. 'If students cannot pass the exams or refuse the military oath, they will not be able to study at universities,' Melnyk noted.

'If students, under some probabilities, cannot pass the exam or pass it unsatisfactorily, if they refuse to take the military oath, they will not be able to continue their education at higher educational institutions in the future,' Melnyk emphasized.

The Deputy Minister also stated that the lack of military training will have consequences for career growth. Without military training, it will be impossible to get employed in public service, local government bodies, or the prosecutor's office.

Changes to the Law 'On Military Duty and Military Service' are being implemented as part of innovations signed by President Volodymyr Zelensky on January 15, 2025. Bill No. 12076 provides for the introduction of military training for all university students in Ukraine.

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