The enemy is transferring units from the Prydniprovsky direction to the Kursk direction.

Militia controls enemy movement ON DIRECTION
Militia controls enemy movement ON DIRECTION

The Ukrainian army reported that Russian troops are relocating units.

"Enemy units, including battalions, have relocated from the Prydniprovsky direction to the Kursk direction, where they have weak spots in their defense," said the spokesperson for the military group "Tavria" Dmytro Lykhovyi.

He also noted that when there were many enemy forces in the Prydniprovsky direction, the intensity of combat actions was lower. But after relocating the forces to the Kursk direction, the intensity of combat actions on the left bank of the Dnipro increased sharply.

"It will take a few days to determine if these are merely demonstrative actions by Russian troops to show their capability to attack despite the reduction in defense, or if it is something else," Lykhovyi added.

Source: RBC-Ukraine

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