For 20 hryvnias a month: lifecell launched an advantageous offer for watching movies and series.

lifecell advertisement: cheap movie viewing
lifecell advertisement: cheap movie viewing

The mobile operator lifecell announced a new offer - Cinema+TV unlimited for a low fee.

The company's press service reported this.

lifecell continues to pleasantly surprise its users with new tariffs that make digital life as comfortable and accessible as possible. This Time they offer a tariff that combines two important needs of modern people - movies and television.

'Plot: The internet in hostage. The traffic runs out, and only mute scenes remain. HORROR! Here comes the local superhero - Cinema+TV unlimited. He frees video streams without consuming your mobile internet. Without hesitations, without pauses, without drama (only if in the plot)', - noted the company representative.

Subscribers can watch movies, series, and television on their favorite platforms: Netflix, MEGOGO, SWEET.TV, Apple TV, Lanet.TV, Amazon Prime Video, 1+1 video, Trinity, YouTV, as well as lifecell TV within Ukraine.

The cost of this service is 20 hryvnias for 4 weeks.

Additional information can be found on the lifecell website.

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