The West has received new evidence of arms and drone deliveries from China to Russia, - The Times.

Important evidence of weapons supply from China
Important evidence of weapons supply from China

Western intelligence services have obtained convincing evidence that China is supplying military equipment to Russia, in particular drones, for use in the war against Ukraine.

According to the British publication The Times, citing Western officials, Chinese companies secretly transferred a batch of specially designed military drones to Russia for testing, which were intended for Ukraine. This could indicate China's increasing involvement in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Senior officials also stated that "although the Chinese government may not acknowledge this, it will be difficult to hide its growing support".

The Reuters agency also reported on a program for the development of strike drones by Russia in China. In particular, the Russian company IEMZ "Kupol" conducted tests of the new "Harpy-3" (G3) drone on the territory of the PRC and established production for use in Ukraine.

These reports have caused serious concern for NATO, which stated that "China has become a decisive factor contributing to Russia’s war in Ukraine". The organization stressed that "the Chinese government is obliged to ensure that its companies do not provide lethal assistance to Russia".

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned of the formation of an "axis of authoritarian powers" between China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. He emphasized that China supplies components and electronics that are used by Russia to produce missiles and bombs.

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