Transcarpathian TCC commented on the information about the searches in the Khust military commissar.

Khust military commissariat under search
Khust military commissariat under search

The Transcarpathian Regional Territorial Recruitment Center (TCC) has refuted the information about the searches at its head Vasyl Zubatov, considering it as unfounded slander. The TCC press service stated that the searches were conducted at the Military Medical Commission (MMC) regarding violations in the conduct of medical examinations. The TCC emphasized that the MMC is not part of it and its employees are civilian doctors.

The information about the searches at the TCC is unfounded, has no evidence, and is outright slander., - stated the TCC press service.

According to Ukrainian Pravda, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted searches at the Khust TCC and detained its head Vasyl Zubatov on August 21. There were also searches of district hospital employees, the medical and social expert commission, and TCC employees. According to preliminary information, the searches were related to receiving bribes for fake disabilities.

Earlier, the SBU detained two TCC heads in Kyiv region and their accomplice, who offered conscripts assistance in evading conscription using forged documents. According to the investigation, the cost of such services amounted to 37 thousand dollars from one evader.

Recall that photos of the detention of the head of the Boryspil TCC, Serhiy Rusin, were circulated on Telegram channels, but the TCC press service denied the connection of the photos with the TCC official.

It is assumed that the heads of the Boryspil and Bucha TCC and their accomplice will be held in custody without any alternative.

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