The founder of the Leifheit household goods company turned out to be an SS officer.

Photo of Leifheit founder - SS officer
Photo of Leifheit founder - SS officer

German businessman Günter Leifheit, the founder of the Leifheit company, turned out to be a Nazi. Historian Stefan Holler published his research on the website of the city of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

The historian's research showed that Günter Leifheit had a National-Socialist career and was a member of the Hitler Youth, the National Socialist Workers' Party, and the Waffen-SS. He participated in battles in the Balkans, Ukraine, Russia, and Hungary.

Günter Leifheit and his wife founded the company Leifheit AG after the war and received many recognitions and awards.

Even after Leifheit's death, his family, fund, school, and cities associated with his name remained silent about his Nazi past.

Unfortunately, the details regarding his death are not known.

It should also be noted that Josef Schütz, a former guard of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, recently passed away. He was the oldest person convicted in a Nazi case.

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