Zelensky Awaits NATO Invitation Before Biden's Leave, - Le Monde.

Zelensky awaits invitation to NATO
Zelensky awaits invitation to NATO

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky hopes to receive an invitation to NATO from Biden before he leaves the White House.

According to "Khvilya", this is stated in the column by Le Monde observer Sylvie Kauffman.

This is part of the ambitious plan of the Ukrainian leader, which he presented to Washington.

Kauffman notes that the Ukrainian president, hoping to accelerate the end of the war, aims to persuade the US president to take decisive action and give Kyiv the opportunity to begin negotiations from a position of strength.

According to him, Zelensky does not want any forced solutions imposed on him. Therefore, he developed a "peace plan" and a "victory plan", which he plans to present in Washington to President Joe Biden. As well as to two candidates - Donald Trump and Kamala Harris - and to Congress.

At the same Time, an informed source emphasized that the "peace plan" should lead to the restoration of peace. The second plan is aimed at making Ukraine stronger after reaching a peace agreement.

"Since Putin shows no inclination towards real negotiations, the goal of establishing peace remains very hypothetical. What Zelensky wants to get from Biden before he leaves the White House in January 2025 is an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO after the war ends. This is one of the key points of the "victory plan", - the article states.

However, the problem is that Biden, a man of the Cold War era, is focused on the idea that Ukraine's membership in NATO will lead to World War III. Therefore, his plan is to help Ukraine moderately, to avoid escalation. Earlier, Zelensky stated that everything depends on Biden's decision.

The observer also drew attention to the fact that perhaps he was encouraged by the statement of the White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that President Biden is "determined to use the four months to put Ukraine in the best possible position for victory".

Recall, Podolyak named the conditions of a truce with the Russian Federation, which Ukraine will never agree to.

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