A woman online called herself the 'Mother of God' and 'heals' people, but exclusively for money.

Woman with the image of the Virgin Mary
Woman with the image of the Virgin Mary

The mentioned woman, who calls herself the 'Mother of God' and offers 'healing' for money, is found on social media. She appeals to severely ill people and their families, including wounded soldiers, asking for monetary assistance. Participants in the scandal claim that the 'Mother of God' offers the ability for energy 'healing' in exchange for funds. Communicator Nadiya Pototska reported that she received an offer from a stranger about providing assistance to a woman whose lover is in a coma. According to Pototska, the 'Mother of God' addressed more than 20 of her acquaintances.

The response of Ukrainians to this situation was massive, particularly from activists and military personnel who were outraged by the behavior of the 'Mother of God'. Journalists from TSN.ua found out that the victim mentioned by Pototska is a resident of the Volyn region and is trying to raise funds to save the life, presumably, of her lover. The police have already reacted to this case and are deciding how to respond to the situation.

The 'Mother of God' presents herself as a healer who cures people, families, and the land. Unfortunately, this case is just one of the numerous examples of fraud, which is becoming increasingly widespread in Ukraine. According to the Prosecutor General's Office, over 24,000 criminal cases have been opened under the article 'Fraud' in the first quarter of 2024.

In the last few days, fraudsters have become more active in Kyiv, offering to install gas indicators for residents at inflated prices. This is another example of fraud that is spreading massively in our country. The Prosecutor General's Office reports that over the first five months of 2024, more than 38,000 cases have been opened under the article 'Fraud', which is 1.6 times more than for the entire year of 2021.

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