Residents of Zaporizhzhia region may be left without electricity.

Image with electric power pole in Zaporizhzhia region
Image with electric power pole in Zaporizhzhia region

The Zaporizhzhia region is preparing for winter, but there is a risk of power outages. This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, Ivan Fedorov.

Fedorov warned that one should be prepared for the worst, but hopes for the best.

He noted that Zaporizhzhia could be left without centralized electricity supply to water pumping stations. For this purpose, generators will be installed.

Regarding heating, major city boiler houses will receive cogeneration units in December. Fedorov explained that such units are scarce and needed in many other cities, so they will be operational at the beginning of winter.

«No production in the world can meet Ukraine's needs. Therefore, we are asking our partners to acquire (cogeneration units) for us», - said Fedorov.

Government authorities, regional military administrations, and public organizations are working on three main directions to ensure electricity and heating in winter. This includes preparing infrastructure, accumulating resources, and decentralized power generation.

The heating season has already started in Kyiv for hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and other social institutions. Residential buildings will be heated when the temperature drops to eight degrees Celsius for three days. Kharkiv is also ready, but due to good weather, it will not do so.

The heating season in the Donetsk region is under threat due to hostilities and shelling. Odesa also faces a risk as generators for district boiler houses have not been installed.

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