Gas stations raised prices for gasoline and diesel at the beginning of the week: how much does autogas cost.

Gas station - increase in fuel prices
Gas station - increase in fuel prices

Gas stations showed how fuel prices in Ukraine changed at the beginning of the week

As "Hvylya" reports, this is evidenced by the data of the Ministry of Finance portal.

So, the prices for some fuel positions on Monday, August 12, increased. In particular, it concerns gasoline and diesel fuel.

Fuel prices in Ukraine

So, premium A-95 gasoline increased in price by only 1 kopeck, to 60.14 UAH/l. A-95, on the contrary, became cheaper by 1 kopeck to 56.57 UAH/l. But the price tag for A-92 compared to the previous trading day did not change – 53.34 UAH/l.

Diesel fuel increased in price by 2 kopecks to 52.91 UAH/l. The average cost of autogas also did not change – 28.02 UAH.

We remind you, gas stations have shown how fuel prices differ in Lviv and Odesa regions.

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