Gas stations have set new prices for fuel in the Kyiv region: how much drivers will have to pay.

Fuel prices in the Kyiv region
Незабаром водіям доведеться заплатити більше за бензин у Київському регіоні: нові тарифи на пальне.

In the Kyiv region, fuel prices vary significantly at different gas stations.

According to information from the website, as of January 26, the fuel prices are as follows:

Premium gasoline A-95+ costs between 55.49 and 62.99 UAH per liter, with an average price of 59.24 UAH.
Gasoline A-98 is approximately 52 UAH.
Regular gasoline A-95 has different prices: the lowest at 'Avantage 7' - about 52.95 UAH, and the highest at SOCAR - nearly 60 UAH. The average price in the region is 56.47 UAH.
Diesel fuel costs between 49.99 and 58.99 UAH, while improved diesel fuel is around 57.50 UAH.
Automotive gas is the cheapest, with an average price of 36.44 UAH per liter and a minimum price of 33.89 UAH at the Market network.

Also, recently fuel prices have been updated in the Odesa and Lviv regions.

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