Gas stations have raised fuel prices again: how the cost of gasoline, diesel, and autogas has changed at the beginning of the week.

Gas station in the city center
Gas station in the city center

Fuel prices have increased in Ukraine

Gas stations have raised prices on all types of fuel in Ukraine again.

According to the Minfin portal, the trend of rising gasoline, diesel fuel, and autogas prices continues.

Statistical data show that as of August 19, 2024, the price of all types of fuel, except for premium A-95 gasoline, has risen. A-95 was still sold at a price of 60.23 UAH/l.

«The increase in prices for all other positions amounted to only one kopeck», experts noted.

The largest price increase was recorded for autogas - 1 kopeck, which is 0.035%. Its average price per liter is now 28.23 UAH.

Gasoline A-92, A-95, and diesel fuel also increased by 1 kopeck. Now their cost is 53.36 UAH/l, 56.59 UAH/l, and 52.88 UAH/l, respectively.

Earlier reports covered fuel prices at gas stations in Odesa and Lviv regions.

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