Gasoline, Diesel and Autogas: Ukrainians Shown New Prices at Gas Stations.

Fuel prices at Ukrainian gas stations
Fuel prices at Ukrainian gas stations

Fuel prices in Ukraine have increased

As of September 26, 2024, the Ukrainian automotive fuel market shows a small but steady increase in prices. According to the latest statistical data, all types of fuel have shown a slight increase in cost.

This is reported by "Khvylya", referring to data from the Consulting Group "A-95".

Premium-grade A-95 gasoline remains the most expensive type of fuel, reaching 60.27 UAH per liter, 0.01 UAH or 0.017% higher than the previous figure. Standard A-95 gasoline now costs 56.58 UAH per liter, up by the same amount, which represents a growth of 0.018%.

Fuel prices in Ukraine / Photo:

A-92 gasoline showed a more noticeable increase - by 0.04 UAH or 0.075%, reaching 53.70 UAH per liter. Diesel fuel increased in price by 0.01 UAH to 52.78 UAH per liter, which corresponds to an increase of 0.019%.

The leader in price growth was automotive gas, which rose by 0.05 UAH or 0.152% to 32.90 UAH per liter. Despite the highest percentage increase, autogas remains the most economical option for motorists.

For motorists, these changes mean that refueling a full tank of A-95 gasoline (about 50 liters) will cost approximately 0.50 UAH more than the previous day. Car owners with gas cylinder equipment will notice a difference of 2.5 UAH when refueling fully.

It is worth adding that global oil prices have risen due to tensions in the Middle East.

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