Gasoline and diesel at gas stations have risen in price again: auto-gas increased the most.

Gas station - prices for gasoline and diesel have risen
Gas station - prices for gasoline and diesel have risen

Fuel prices have risen again at gas stations in Ukraine. This is evidenced by data from the Minfin portal. The cost of fuel is increasing almost daily. September 12 was no exception - on this day, all types of fuel rose in price, except for gasoline A-95, which even became a little cheaper. The price of fuel changed as follows: premium gasoline A-95 rose by 2 kopecks, A-92 - by 2 kopecks, diesel fuel - by 1 kopeck, and auto-gas prices increased the most - by 28 kopecks.

Earlier it was reported about the impact of higher excise taxes on the cost of diesel, auto-gas, and gasoline.

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