Product prices in Ukraine: is it more profitable to buy rice, buckwheat, and pasta at the market.

Rice, buckwheat, pasta on the Ukrainian market
Rice, buckwheat, pasta on the Ukrainian market

Grain prices in Ukraine: where is it cheaper?

In Ukraine, grain prices for buckwheat, rice, and pasta traditionally change in autumn. This year, the yield of many grains was less than expected due to the record drought. Therefore, product costs are rising.

The portal "Khvylya" compared the cost of basic grains between the Kyiv market Stolychny and major supermarket chains.

At the Stolychny market, long-grain white rice from Italy (25 kg) costs 43.50 UAH, while parboiled rice from India (25 kg) is 45.00 UAH. Round rice "Dalian" from China (25 kg) is offered at the same price as the Italian one – 43.50 UAH.

In supermarkets, rice prices are significantly higher: long-grain rice on average costs 60.20 UAH per kilogram, and parboiled long-grain - 66.60 UAH per kilogram.

Buckwheat prices also show a significant difference. At Stolychny, "ARIA" buckwheat is available in 1 kg and 5 kg packages at 28.00 UAH/kg and 26.70 UAH/kg respectively.

In supermarkets, the average price for buckwheat is 28.65 UAH per kilogram, ranging from 25.90 to 32.30 UAH in different stores.

A similar trend is observed in pasta prices. At Stolychny, "Kyiv Mix" pasta is offered in 1 kg packages for 29.75 UAH/kg, whereas, in supermarkets, the average price for pasta is 34.43 UAH per kilogram, ranging from 26.90 to 45.10 UAH in different stores.

This comparison shows that shopping at the market can offer significant savings on these basic products compared to major supermarket chains.

Earlier, we also talked about where it is more profitable to buy fruits – at markets or supermarkets.

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