Where tourists will rest in Europe in a few years: survey results.

tourists in Europe
tourists in Europe

Extreme heat changes the geography of vacationing in Europe

According to research by InsureandGo, 80% of British tourists believe that some popular European vacation spots will be too hot to visit over the next five years due to climate change. The greatest concerns about the heat are associated with Greece, where it is predicted that monuments may close due to the incredible heat.

Tourists also expect unbearable conditions for holidays in five years in countries such as Turkey, Spain, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, and Malta.

The impact of high temperatures on vacation destination choice

Over the past two years, the number of people who find it important for average temperatures to be lower at potential vacation spots has increased.

In the future, some people are considering vacationing after summer or before peak periods, when temperatures are more pleasant.

The best places for vacationing with lower temperatures

If temperatures are lower, tourists are most interested in vacationing in Iceland, Canada, Sweden, Ireland, and Finland.

Other factors influencing vacation destination choice

Other factors influencing the choice of vacation destination include poor air quality, a large amount of plastic and litter on beaches, warming of the world's oceans, deforestation, and weather disasters such as fires, droughts, floods, and heavy rains.

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