Up to 90 hryvnias per kilo: oranges and bananas have become more expensive in Ukraine.

Oranges and bananas on the shelf
Ціни на тропічні фрукти в Україні зростають: апельсини та банани тепер коштують до 90 гривень за кілограм.

In February, prices for oranges and bananas rose compared to January. According to the Minfin portal, Egyptian oranges increased in price from 56.72 to 59.90 UAH per kilogram, while Turkish citrus fruits rose from 71.83 to 72.69 UAH. Premium variety oranges saw the largest increase, from 76.14 to 89.99 UAH per kilogram. Regular oranges, on the other hand, decreased in price from 69.50 to 61.40 UAH per kilogram. As for bananas, their price also went up. In February, the average cost was 66.15 UAH per kilogram compared to 61.64 UAH in January. The price range varied depending on the store: from 62.80 UAH in Auchan to 71.90 UAH in Megamarket.

We remind you that supermarkets also updated their prices for sausage and cheese.

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