Rain, snow, and frost: forecasters warned of worsening weather in the Kyiv region.

Weather in the Kyiv region - rain, snow, frost
Погода в Київській області: синоптики попереджають про погіршення умов з дощами та снігом.

Storm warning: rain with snow on the Day of Unity in Kyiv

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, forecasters warn of rain with snow on the Day of Unity for residents of the Kyiv region and the capital.

On Wednesday, January 22, cloudy weather is expected in the Kyiv region and Kyiv. No precipitation is forecasted at night, but light rain with snow is possible during the day.

The wind speed will be 5-10 meters per second, the direction is southeast.

The air temperature at night and during the day will range from 2 degrees Celsius to 3 degrees below zero. In Kyiv, the temperature is expected to range from 0 to 2 degrees Celsius during the day.

It is worth noting that an abnormal warmth will cover Ukraine.

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