Durov comments on the blocking of Russian propaganda channels in the EU.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov reacted to the blocking of Russian propaganda in the European Union.
In his Telegram channel, Durov reported that certain Russian media outlets on Telegram channels have been restricted in the EU in accordance with the EU Digital Services Directive (DSA) and due to sanctions.
“Meanwhile, all Western media channels on Telegram remain free in Russia. Who would have thought that by 2025, Russian Telegram users would enjoy more freedom than Europeans?” - wrote Durov.
Several Russian propaganda media outlets are no longer available to users in Europe. When attempting to open channels such as RIA 'Novosti', 'Izvestia', 'Rossiyskaya Gazeta', as well as the TV channels Russia Today, 'Rossiya 1', 'Perviy Kanal', and 'NTV', a message appears: “This channel is unavailable as it violates local laws”.
In May 2024, the EU Council banned the broadcasting of four Russian media outlets that disseminate Russian propaganda and support the war against Ukraine. Banned were RIA 'Novosti', 'Izvestia', 'Rossiyskaya Gazeta', and the internet portal 'Voice of Europe', linked to Viktor Medvedchuk and located in the Czech Republic. All these propaganda media outlets are under the control of the Russian leadership.
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