Two countries called the world to help return Ukrainian children from Russia.

Return of Ukrainian children from Russia
Return of Ukrainian children from Russia

Canada and Ireland call to return Ukrainian children abducted by Russia

Canada and Ireland are calling on the entire international community to unite efforts to return home all Ukrainian children abducted by Russia. This was discussed during a conversation between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris.

"Prime Minister Trudeau welcomed Ireland's membership in the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children, and both leaders called on other countries to join efforts in helping Ukrainian children displaced by unjustified Russian aggression return to their legitimate homes in Ukraine," said the office of the Canadian Prime Minister.

It is noted that Trudeau and Harris "reaffirmed their unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of Russia's aggressive war".

The leaders mentioned the efforts of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and members of the international community regarding the establishment of a just and lasting peace. They also discussed how to continue the work initiated at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, which took place in Switzerland in June," said Trudeau's office.

Additionally, the leaders of Ireland and Canada discussed the war in Gaza and "the importance of promoting long-term peace and security in the Middle East".

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