Yermak hopes that the next peace summit will help end the war in Ukraine, - Bloomberg.

Graffiti with the flag of Ukraine on the wall
Graffiti with the flag of Ukraine on the wall

Ukraine desires that the second leaders' summit, which will take place later this year, will contribute to ending the hostilities. This was stated by the head of President Volodymyr Zelensky's office, Andriy Yermak, in his interview with Bloomberg. According to him, the main expectation from the summit is the creation of prerequisites for ending the war.

Yermak emphasized that the goal is to end this war as soon as possible and achieve a just peace. He also noted that the meeting will take place in the Middle East as a manifestation of the world's unity against Russia's attempts to divide it.

The publication also notes that Zelensky emphasizes the need to hold the second summit before the US elections in November, possibly with Russia's participation. This is related to the concern of Ukraine and its allies about the return of Donald Trump to the presidency.

The previous peace summit, which took place in Switzerland in June, failed to attract important countries. Russia was not invited, and China declined to participate. Yermak stressed the importance of China's participation next Time, as it has a powerful influence on Russia.

However, there are no positive signs so far. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Ukrainian counterpart that the time for peace talks to end the war has not yet come.

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