The EU finances Ukrainian defense plants with funds from Russian assets - ambassador.

Ukrainian defense factories receive funding from the EU
Ukrainian defense factories receive funding from the EU

From the first tranche of income from frozen Russian assets, the European Union allocated 400 million euros to finance Ukrainian defense enterprises. From this amount, the production of Ukrainian howitzers "Bohdana" has already been paid for.

This was reported by the EU ambassador to Ukraine Katarina Mathernova in an interview with "EuroPravda".

According to her, the EU approved a scheme for using income from frozen Russian assets for Ukraine's benefit six months ago. In August, the first 1.4 billion euros from these funds were allocated to finance weapons supplies. Several EU member states received financing for new purchases.

The ambassador noted that 400 million euros will go to Ukrainian defense enterprises through a system devised by Denmark. Denmark was the first country to sign a contract and pay for the production of Ukrainian howitzers "Bohdana" for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Thus, 400 million euros were channeled through Denmark into the Ukrainian defense industry.

According to Katarina Mathernova, Denmark used its own funds and placed a large order at a Ukrainian military plant.

Support for the Ukrainian defense industry

In the next tranche from frozen Russian assets, the EU plans to allocate an even larger amount to finance the production of weapons in the Ukrainian defense complex. This is because Ukrainian enterprises produce the same quality products for less money and with lower transportation and logistics costs. Moreover, they pay taxes in Ukraine and help support the country's economy.

Ambassador Mathernova is proud to have been one of the most ardent supporters of this idea. She is glad that this system is actually working.

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