The EU reintroduces tariff quotas on the import of Ukrainian honey.

Tariff quotas for Ukrainian honey
Tariff quotas for Ukrainian honey

The European Commission is reintroducing tariff quotas on Ukrainian honey due to exceeding the duty-free import limit, commission representatives said.

The EU executive branch reported that the volume of honey exports from Ukraine exceeded the established limit, which led to the introduction of an "emergency brake".

The maximum volume of imports of this product for 2024 is 44,417 thousand tons, which corresponds to the average volume from the second half of 2021 to 2023. However, according to the European Commission, already now the import of honey from Ukraine exceeds these volumes.

Therefore, starting from August 21, Ukrainian honey imported by EU countries falls under the tariff quotas of the DCFTA between Ukraine and the EU since 2016.

"Additional imports will be taxed under the most favorable regime," the press release said.

The EU executive branch also reported that from January 1, 2025 to June 2025, a new tariff quota for honey in the amount of 18,507 thousand tons will apply.

Source: Economic Truth

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