The Hydrometeorological Center delighted the residents of Kyiv region with a weather forecast, but there is a nuance.

Hydrometcenter predicts weather in Kyiv region
Hydrometcenter predicts weather in Kyiv region

Meteorologists revealed what the weather will be like in the Kyiv region on Tuesday, September 10.

As "Hvylya" reports, this was announced by the press service of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

Tomorrow during the day, residents of the capital will be able to enjoy warm but cloudy weather with clearings. However, the same cannot be said about the night, as the thermometer readings will drop to 10-15 degrees. So it is better to close the windows at night already.

The wind on September 10 will predominantly be from the southeast direction with a speed of 5-10 meters per second. No precipitation is expected.

During the day, the air will warm up to 24-29 degrees. So if someone has such an opportunity, they can take a walk outside.

As for Kyiv itself, it is expected to be 12-14 degrees warm at night, and during the day the temperature will be 25-27 degrees.

Thus, residents of the region can expect quite comfortable and sunny weather in the middle of the current week, which will have a positive impact on people's mood and well-being.

Let us recall that meteorologist Didenko said what kind of weather to expect at the beginning of the week.

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