Identified missile developers who attacked 'Okhmatdet' (photo).

Rocket developers attacking «Oхматдит»
Rocket developers attacking «Oхматдит»

Journalists from Bihus.Info found out who exactly works in the Russian defense-industrial complex 'Raduga', which is engaged in the production and modernization of cruise missiles. The investigation results were published on YouTube.

Currently, the complex is headed by Sergey Bogatikov, the chief engineer is Anatoly Utrivanov, and the chief designer is Eltugan Sizdikov.

It turned out that a design engineer at 'Raduga' is 26-year-old Dmitriy Trishchuk, who graduated from Voenmekh in 2022 and immediately started working at the complex. He was also noted as 'Engineer of the Year 2023' in the Russian Federation. Trishchuk is engaged in the modernization of missiles and equipping them with anti-aircraft defense systems.

Andrey Kachin has been working as a design engineer at the complex since 2018. Igor Zaitsev has held this position since the 2000s and specializes in the development of missile bodies.

Nikita Bulaev also works in the design bureau of the complex.

Another design engineer is Yuri Vasiliev, who has been working in the defense complex for seven years.

Vasily Zhukov works in the complex's bureau.

Another employee of the complex is Nikita Dmitriev, who has likely been working here since 2017 as an engineer.

Dmitriy Tyazhkun, 42 years old, works as a lead designer.

Angelina Menovshchikova, 23 years old, is a process engineer at the design bureau.

A 31-year-old lead designer at the complex is Alexander Zolotov.

26-year-old Fairuza Kusyarbaeva works as a process engineer at the missile factory.

Recall that on July 8, the Russian Federation launched a massive missile strike on Kyiv. One of the missiles hit the children's hospital 'Okhmatdet'.

As a result of the shelling, one of the hospital's buildings was destroyed, and several buildings were damaged. It also became known about the deaths of two people. Later it became known that a child who was in 'Okhmatdet' after an operation died as a result of the strike.

It was also reported that at the Time of the shelling there were patients from Moldova in the hospital, and one child was undergoing surgery.

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