Ireland accused Russia of espionage.

Ireland accuses Ukraine of espionage
Ireland accuses Ukraine of espionage

Russia engages in espionage in Ireland to obtain state secrets and manufacturing secrets. This was stated by the head of the Bureau of Security and Intelligence of the National Police of Ireland, Michael McElgann. He noted that although few countries engage in espionage in Ireland, Russia has become one of these rare cases. The goal of such actions is to support extremist groups in Ireland and create distrust in the government.

The police closely monitor people who engage in espionage. Security and intelligence services cooperate with European intelligence services and monitor the movement of potential spies, McElgann said.

The head of the Irish law enforcement agency also noted that although there is a practice of intelligence activities abroad to gain a competitive advantage and protect national interests, Ireland usually does not represent broad interest. However, measures are being taken against Russia because they are interested in the influence of this country.

Source: Facts

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