The Cabinet allowed foreign companies to build large objects in Ukraine.

Foreign companies will construct large objects
Foreign companies will construct large objects

A decision was made to grant foreign companies the right to build objects

The Cabinet of Ministers made a decision that allows foreign companies and organizations operating in Ukraine through separate units and permanent establishments to obtain the right to conduct economic activities in the field of construction of objects.

Changes are being made to the CMU resolution № 314 from March 13, 2022, reports the Ministry of Reintegration.

These changes concern the construction of objects that belong to the categories of objects with medium (SS2) and significant (SS3) consequences classes.

"The right to construction activity will be granted by submitting a free declaration of economic activity to the licensing authority. This opportunity will be available during the Time of martial law," the Ministry of Reintegration reported.

The Ministry claims that the adoption of this decision will contribute to improving the regulatory framework for the activities of foreign companies in Ukraine. In particular, Polish company representatives will be able to work on the arrangement of checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

This work is planned to be carried out within the framework of the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Poland on granting a loan under tied aid conditions dated September 9, 2015.

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