The Cabinet will hold a tender for the construction of new power plants.

Competition for the construction of power plants
Competition for the construction of power plants

The Cabinet of Ministers has decided to hold a tender for the construction of new generating capacity.

According to the Ministry of Energy, the National Renewable Energy Action Plan for the period until 2030 and the plan of measures for its implementation have been approved.

According to the plan, in 2030, the share of RES in total energy consumption will be 27%, including 33% in heating and cooling systems, 29% in electricity generation, and 17% in the transport sector.

An additional annual support quota for business entities producing electricity from alternative sources for 2024 was also established. In addition, the schedule for holding pilot auctions for distributing this quota for 2024 was approved.

Auctions for quota distribution are the most common mechanism for stimulating the development of RES on a competitive basis.

According to the government's decision, the additional annual support quota was set at 110 MW, including 11 MW from SES, 88 MW from WES, and 11 MW from other types of alternative energy sources.

The conditions for holding a tender for the construction of generating capacities and implementing demand management measures were also approved. This will increase the volumes of generation in the energy system and its further development.

Within the framework of the tender, facilities with a capacity of 5 MW to 80 MW will be built, with a total tender capacity of 700 MW. Such facilities should be ready for commissioning by the end of 2027.

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