Potatoes will sharply rise in price by autumn: expert warned Ukrainians.

Potatoes in the supermarket
Potatoes in the supermarket

Currently, the wholesale price for high-quality medium-early potatoes, which can be stored for a long Time, is about 12 hryvnias per kilogram, including VAT. It is expected that mid-season and late varieties, which will be stored, will cost more.

According to Zemliak.com, the director of PJSC NVO "Chernihivelitpotato" Igor Shkurko shared a forecast regarding potato prices in Ukraine in the near future.

The expert predicts that in September there will be a slight decrease in potato prices. This is due to the fact that the population will begin to massively harvest and sell their crops to buyers to get money for their own needs. However, after this short-term decline, an increase in prices is expected.


According to the expert's estimates, by the end of September the wholesale price of potatoes may reach 20 hryvnias per kilogram. Shkurko considers it unlikely that purchase prices will rise to 35 hryvnias per kilogram, as some analysts predict. Such high prices, in his opinion, may only be in retail sales in supermarkets.

We remind you that earlier the "Hvylya" portal reported how the prices for popular vegetables, in particular potatoes, have changed over the year.

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