Kupiansk direction under threat: expert reveals new enemy tactic.

New enemy tactics threaten the Kupyansk direction
New enemy tactics threaten the Kupyansk direction

Situation on the Kupiansk direction has complicated - analyst

Military analyst Oleksandr Kovalenko from the 'Information Resistance' group stated that the situation on the Kupiansk direction has significantly worsened, noting that the positions of Russian forces have significantly strengthened over the past week.

According to his review for Oboz.ua, Kovalenko emphasized that Russian occupiers are gradually heading towards the left bank of the Oskil River in Kharkiv region. He also noted the movement of occupiers towards Kolisnykivka, which could potentially create danger in the near future.

"Regarding the Lyman-Kupiansk axis, here within the week the Russian occupiers have significantly improved their position towards the left bank of the Oskil River. And they continue to move, mostly focusing in the direction of Kolisnykivka. Thus, there is a threat that in the near future the Russians will make maximum efforts to reach Kolisnykivka",
reported Kovalenko.

Kovalenko also noted the feature of the tactic that the Russian command uses in this direction. Unlike other directions, no strict deadlines are set for achieving goals here, which allows forces to act more methodically and avoid haste.

"They gradually, step by step, without any fuss, arrange this advancement",
explained the expert.

The expert pointed out the potential danger of massive use by Russian armored vehicles. He emphasized that the 1st tank army as part of the 'West' troop group is the most equipped and outfitted with armored vehicles.

"Thus, the danger is quite serious. And from the fact that the Russians can reach the left bank of the Oskil River, as they then gain the opportunity precisely in the northern direction to continue moving towards Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi",
noted Kovalenko.

He also emphasized that the exit of Russian forces to the left bank of the Oskol creates a serious threat to Kupiansk, as the opponent gains the opportunity to form flanks and potentially encircle the city.

"And besides everything else, gradually forming flanks, encompassing and creating a maximum threat for further advancement to Kupiansk. Thus, there is a serious problem if it is not resolved",
intrigued Kovalenko.

Kovalenko also drew attention to the 'appendix' on the front line that the Russians created in the area of Pishchane. He highlighted the need to eliminate this bulge and warned that the absence of actions may indicate insufficient resources of Ukrainian Defense Forces in this direction.

The expert urged immediate measures to prevent further advancement of Russian forces and neutralize threats arising from their movement towards the Oskil River.

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