Lyashko announced the date of liquidation of MSEC in Ukraine: what will change.

Liquidation of MSCEK in Ukraine: what will change
Liquidation of MSCEK in Ukraine: what will change

The Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko reported that MSEC (medical and social expert commissions) will be liquidated.

He announced this information during a briefing. According to him, from January 1, 2025, a complete liquidation of MSEC in Ukraine is planned. Instead of medical and social expertise, they will switch to assessing human functioning and identifying their needs.

"Doctors who have conducted certain treatment and rehabilitation assess people's needs for work capacity. Subsequently, through the international classification of functioning, which has already become a national classifier, other parties are involved," Lyashko said.

According to Lyashko, the Ministry of Social Policy analyzes the loss of a person's functions, compensation mechanisms that may be offered to them, as well as available services. Then the Ministry of Economy studies cases when a person, after losing functionality, cannot return to their previous job.

"The Ministry of Education should also be involved if a person needs retraining due to the loss of certain body functions. This will allow us at the final stage to propose mechanisms that will help return people to society," Lyashko added.

The minister also noted that "by the end of this week, an order will be issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to liquidate the central MSEC."

Let us recall, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed Decree No. 732/2024, which enacts the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) on countering corruption and other offenses during the establishment of disability by officials of state authorities.

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