Ministry of Social Policy revealed plans to increase pensions: what indexation awaits Ukrainians.

Pension indexation - new government plans
Pension indexation - new government plans

The Ministry of Social Policy announced two stages of pension increases next year. This was reported by Minister Oksana Zholnovich during the telethon. The first stage is the planned indexation of pensions in March. "There will be enough for indexation despite the fact that the budget transfer is reduced from state funds... We have money for indexation, we plan it," - noted Zholnovich.

Oksana Zholnovich

The second stage of the increase is expected in the summer, but it depends on the adoption of the pension reform by the Verkhovna Rada. "We plan to raise the pension again in the summer, recalculating it taking into account the pension reform that we are currently finalizing," - said the minister.

Zholnovich emphasized that the increase will most affect retirees who retired earlier. The amount of the increase will depend on the paid single social contribution (SSC) and work experience.

The minister also noted that there is a positive trend in increasing the payment of SSC, partially thanks to the military who receive higher salaries. She urged citizens to pay SSC officially, as it directly affects the amount of pensions.

Regarding large pensions, Zholnovich assured that they will not be cut: "No one will have anything reduced. Those who have large pensions will receive at their level, we cannot reduce".

Recall that the planned indexation of pensions is provided by law and takes place annually on March 1, taking into account inflation and salary growth.

We also wrote that expert Poppenko named a simple way to increase pensions to 10,000 hryvnias.

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