Lunar planting calendar for March 2025: preparing the garden for the spring season.

Garden work in March 2025
Garden work in March 2025

In March, gardeners should pay attention to preparation for planting and caring for plants to ensure their health in the changing spring climate.

It is important to carry out the necessary works to create a soil foundation for the future harvest. The lunar calendar for gardeners in March 2025 will help plan the work on the site effectively, choose the best days for planting, soil treatment, and plant care.

Favorable and unfavorable days in March

March is the Time for preparing for planting, fertilizing the soil and fighting pests. The main task is to provide favorable conditions for the active growth of plants.

  • Favorable days for preparatory work and plant treatment: March 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21.
  • Unfavorable days for any work: March 1, 2, 16, 30, 31.

This time is perfect for preparing for new plantings, soil treatment, and preparing cuttings for future plants.

Lunar planting calendar for March 2025

The lunar calendar for gardeners will help properly distribute time and effort to prepare the site for the new gardening season.

Planting calendar for March 2025

Vegetables for the table and storage
Tomatoes 9-15
Bell pepper 9-15
Eggplants 9-15
Potatoes, carrots, beets in greenhouses 19-21
Greens and herbs
Coriander, arugula, dill, parsley, spinach, radish, early cabbage 3-7, 19-21
Melissa, mint, basil, onions, celery 5-7
Annual flowers 3=7, 19=21
Perennial flowers 10-15
Indoor flowers 17-21

Lunar calendar for gardeners for March 2025

March 1-3. March 1 and 2 are unfavorable days. March 3 is favorable for soil preparation, seed treatment, and planting early crops as well as annual flowers.

March 4-8. March 4 and 5 are good times for preparatory work: digging the soil, loosening, fertilizing.

March 5-7 - favorable for planting celery, onions, basil, mint, melissa, and continuing to plant radishes, spinach, parsley, dill, arugula, coriander, and annual flowers. March 8 is a neutral day.

March 9-11. March 10 and 11 are favorable for garden work, including feeding plants, pruning trees, and caring for seedlings. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and white cabbage can also be planted.

March 12-15. An unfavorable period for planting, but soil preparation can be actively carried out and tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and white cabbage can be planted. This period is also suitable for planting perennial flowers.

March 16-20. March 19-20 is an excellent time for planting beets, carrots, potatoes in greenhouses, and continuing to plant early cabbage, radishes, spinach, parsley, dill, arugula, coriander, and annual flowers. March 16 is an unfavorable day.

March 21-23. Favorable days for planting greens and caring for greenhouses. March 21 is the last day for planting beets, carrots, potatoes in greenhouses, and planting indoor flowers.

March 24-31. March 24-29 are final preparatory works: setting up beds, transplanting seedlings, sowing late crops. March 30-31 are unfavorable days.

It will also be useful to pay attention to the following types of work:

  • loosening and enriching the soil with beneficial substances,
  • servicing and sharpening gardening tools,
  • compiling a detailed plan m

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