There is no point in mobilizing men over 50, but there are two exceptions - Member of Parliament.

Photo of a deputy over 50 years old
Photo of a deputy over 50 years old

Combat units refuse to conscript men aged 50-60 as they are not capable of performing the necessary tasks. This was stated by Fedir Venislavsky, a member of the "Servant of the People" faction and a member of the National Security, Defense, and Intelligence Committee. According to him, men over 50 do not have sufficient physical fitness and health for military tasks.

However, Venislavsky noted that there are two exceptions when this category can still be conscripted:

  • if a military-accounting specialty that is in shortage is needed;
  • if they are rear units, such as cooks or mechanics.

However, the number of people who can be conscripted is limited. Therefore, citizens aged 50 to 60 are mobilized very rarely, Venislavsky added.

The former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ambassador of Ukraine to the United Kingdom, Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, also expressed his opinion on mobilization. He stated that he does not support the conscription of young people aged 18-25, as this category is needed for Ukraine's future. Zaluzhnyi emphasized that the youth will save the country, and it is they who should be prioritized in military service.

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