Mobile operators exchange frequencies to improve 4G networks.

4G networks of mobile operators
Оператори зв'язку обмінюються частотами для підсилення якості 4G покриття

Mobile operators 'Kyivstar' and Vodafone have agreed to exchange frequencies in the 2100 MHz range to enhance the 4G networks. The decision was made at a meeting of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (NCCIR).

According to the agreement, 'Kyivstar' will transfer a certain share of its license to Vodafone Ukraine in 24 regions, while Vodafone Ukraine will transfer a certain share of its frequencies to 'Kyivstar' in 27 regions.

This frequency exchange will help avoid spectrum fragmentation and improve mobile internet speed in the 4G network.

According to Irina Chernyavskaya, director of the NCCIR's radio frequency spectrum department, this is the first Time that rights to use frequencies are being transferred between operators. The new legislative norm will facilitate the effective use of the radio frequency spectrum and provide benefits for consumers of services.

The number of Ukrainians who have changed operators while keeping the same number is increasing. In 2024, this figure rose by 2.3 times compared to 2023. The most numbers were transferred from 'Kyivstar', Vodafone, and lifecell.

This year, mobile operators will begin shutting down their 3G networks to improve services in 4G.

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