Mobile communication will work longer during outages: order of the State Service for Special Communications.

Mobile communication will work during shutdowns
Mobile communication will work during shutdowns

Mobile operators must ensure the availability of mobile communication for 10 hours during power outages

The National Center for Operational and Technical Management of Telecommunications Networks has updated the requirements for the operation of mobile operators' base stations under martial law. This is stated in the relevant order dated July 15, 2024.

Now mobile operators must ensure the availability of mobile communication for 10 hours, instead of 4 hours as before.

Mandatory backup power for operators' base stations

In addition, by October 1, 2024, at least 60% of the operators' base stations must be equipped with autonomous backup power to meet the new standard. By November 1 - 70%, by December 1 - 80%, and by the end of January 2025 - at least 100%.

Operators' networks must have backup power

Also, by December 1 this year, at least 25% of base stations in each region must be connected to generators with a supply of fuel and lubricants or equipped with a replaceable battery pack for the first 72 hours.

The physical infrastructure of electronic communication networks must have backup power

From September 1, 2024, all objects of the physical infrastructure of electronic communication networks, which perform the functions of international switching centers, long-distance telephone stations, transit stations, and national Internet traffic exchange points, must be connected to stationary or mobile generators with a fuel supply or equipped with batteries to operate for the first 72 hours.

The relevant requirements also apply to special service nodes to which the communication centers (stations) of operational dispatch services that provide emergency communications at telephone numbers 101, 102, 103, 104, and 112 are connected.

Recall that mobile communication in Ukraine will work for three days in the event of a blackout. Currently, mobile operators are jointly preparing for possible total power outages.

In particular, during power outages, as a result of the mass switch to mobile Internet, the load on mobile operators' networks sharply increases. This, in turn, leads to communication problems.

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