Moldovan farmers threaten to block the border with Ukraine.

Farmers threaten to block the border
Farmers threaten to block the border

Moldovan farmers demand extension of grain import restrictions

The 'Farmers' Power' Association in Moldova has announced that it will block all border crossing points with Ukraine, demanding an extension of restrictions on grain imports. Farmers want to organize a border blockade due to delays in this matter. They are dissatisfied that the existing restrictions will last until the end of the year, and the draft law on the extension was only published this week. Farmers see this as a risk of declining prices for their products. If the restrictions are extended in Time, farmers promise not to organize protests.

Moldova introduced licensing for the import of wheat, corn, and sunflower seeds on October 4, 2023, during the state of emergency, to protect local producers.

Polish farmers began blocking the 'Medika - Shehyni' crossing point on November 23. They have no grievances against Ukrainian goods, using the protests to pressure the Polish government. Earlier, they announced a protest action in the form of blocking freight traffic in front of the 'Medika - Shehyni' crossing point from October 8 to December 31, 2024.

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