Carrots, onions, potatoes, and beets: how vegetable prices for borscht differ between markets and supermarkets.

Agricultural vegetables for borscht in markets and supermarkets
Agricultural vegetables for borscht in markets and supermarkets

The Ukrainian vegetable market shows a diversity of prices and product assortment. This applies to both large supermarkets and wholesale markets. However, prices for the same vegetables can vary significantly.

According to the Khvilya portal, vegetable prices were analyzed in the Shuvary, Pochatok, and Stolichny markets, as well as in large supermarkets.

In the country's supermarkets, there is an interesting price dynamics for vegetables. Potatoes, which are one of the main products of the Ukrainian table, are offered at an average price of 26.32 UAH per kilogram. However, prices range from 24.20 UAH in Auchan to 29.90 UAH in Megamarket.

Young potatoes are sold at a price of 40.60 UAH per kilogram in Auchan, and pink potatoes can be purchased at a price ranging from 19.90 UAH to 29.90 UAH in Auchan.

Carrots in supermarkets are sold at an average price of 18.82 UAH per kilogram, with slight price fluctuations between different stores.

In the Shuvary market, prices are partially lower than in supermarkets. Here, table beets cost an average of 11.50 UAH per kilogram, standard potatoes – 17.50 UAH per kilogram, carrots and yellow onions – also 17.50 UAH per kilogram.

At the Pochatok market, there is a wider range of vegetables, including young and special varieties. Here you can find young carrots at an average price of 40 UAH per kilogram, old potatoes at 30 UAH per kilogram, and various types of beets – table and cylindrical, from 25 to 40 UAH per kilogram. Regular onions at the Pochatok market cost an average of 30 UAH per kilogram.

At the Stolichny market, vegetable prices are at an average level: potatoes cost about 18 UAH per kilogram, onions – 14 UAH per kilogram, carrots – 17 UAH per kilogram, and beets – 15 UAH per kilogram.

Previously, Khvilya reported on changes in prices for apples, grapes, bananas, and oranges.

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