Fuel Prices Increased at Gas Stations: New Prices for Gasoline, Diesel, and Autogas.

Gas station logo with fuel prices
Gas station logo with fuel prices

Fuel prices have changed in Ukraine

On July 30, 2024, Ukrainian gas stations updated fuel prices. According to price monitoring by the Consulting Group "A-95", there were slight changes in the prices of gasoline, diesel fuel, and automotive gas.

An increase of 1 kopeck compared to the previous day affected premium A-95 gasoline. It now costs 60.22 UAH per liter.

The price of regular A-95 gasoline also increased by 4 kopecks and is now 56.73 UAH, while A-92 gasoline increased by 4 kopecks and now costs 53.89 UAH.

The price of diesel fuel remained unchanged at 52.88 UAH per liter.

The price of automotive gas increased by 1 kopeck and is now 27.99 UAH.

Recall that an increase in fuel excise taxes is expected in Ukraine. Experts have already made predictions regarding the rise in prices for gasoline, diesel fuel, and autogas.

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