Volyn: People Rioted in TCC Over Detention of Men, Military Responded.

Riot in TCk due to men's arrest
Riot in TCk due to men's arrest

A rally for the release of detained young men took place in Kovel

On August 3, a spontaneous rally took place near the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support (TCC) in Kovel, Volyn region. Dozens of local residents gathered to demand the release of several young men who had been detained earlier.

According to information from social networks, where videos from the scene appeared, three local residents were detained at one of the checkpoints for lack of military registration documents. Under pressure from the crowd gathered near the TCC building, they were eventually released.

Volyn Regional TCC promptly responded to the situation, calling the incident the result of incitement by "Russian bots" and pro-Kremlin provocateurs.

"The conflict was supported and directed in the "necessary direction" by Russian special services through respective "information systems". This is indicated by such methods of their work - emotional swings, manipulation of citizens' consciousness, incitement to disobedience, etc.", - said the official statement of the military commissariat.

The military reminded of the legislative norms in effect under the martial law. In particular, men aged 18 to 60 are required to have a military registration document along with an identity document.

"Yesterday you devalued the true essence of the slogan "Glory to the Heroes!" which you shouted, applauding the "draft dodger" who did nothing for Ukraine's victory over the invader," - the military added.

The TCC compared these actions to the feat of Hero of Ukraine Oleksandr Matsievsky, who died at the hands of the enemy, truly knowing the value of these words.

It should be noted that this is not the first such case in Ukraine. Similar attempts to release conscripts from the TCC territory were recorded earlier in Odesa.

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