A Blue Moon Will Rise Over the Earth: What This Phenomenon Is and When to Observe.

Image of the Blue Moon above Earth
Image of the Blue Moon above Earth

On Monday, August 19, an astronomical phenomenon will occur – the Blue Moon. This is reported by Live Science.

Typically, the full moon in August is called the sturgeon moon. But the Blue Moon is unusual not because it will change its color, but due to astronomical characteristics.

The full moon on August 19 will also be a supermoon. The moon moves around the Earth in an elliptical orbit. When it reaches the closest point to the Earth, called perigee, it appears larger than usual. This phenomenon is called a supermoon.

The name Blue Moon comes from the English idiom "Once in a Blue Moon". The phrase translates as "Once in a Blue Moon." It is used when talking about an event that happens very rarely, or never at all.

This phenomenon can be seen on the night of August 19-20, 2024. The full moon in August 2024 falls on August 19 at 21:25 Kyiv Time. But the Blue Moon can be observed on any night from August 18 to 20.

To see the moonrise, you need to look at the sky immediately after sunset. This phenomenon will be easy to notice, as the moon will have its brightest and largest appearance in 2024.

Recall that on the night of August 13, the aurora borealis was visible over various regions of Ukraine. The phenomenon was observed in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Chernihiv, and Sumy regions.

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