MP told about new tax surprises for Ukrainians already in September.

MP talks about new tax surprises
MP talks about new tax surprises

Details of the bill on tax increases

MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak told about the new details of the bill on tax increases. In his Telegram channel on August 26, 2024, he unveiled information about the revised government document, which is planned to be submitted to the Committee and the Verkhovna Rada for consideration in the first weeks of September.

According to Zheleznyak, the following points remain in the new version of the bill:

  • Increase in the military levy rate from 1.5% to 5%
  • Establishment of a military levy for individual entrepreneurs of the first and second groups in the amount of 10% of the minimum wage
  • Introduction of a military levy of 1% for the third group of single tax
  • Establishment of monthly advance payments for gas stations (with changes in the wording)

The MP also reported new proposals added to the bill:

  • Establishment of the profit tax rate for banks at 50% for 2024
  • Increase in the profit tax rate for financial companies to 25%
  • Introduction of monthly reporting on personal income tax

Yaroslav Zheleznyak assessed the new version of the bill as "much better than it was".

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