Not Deputies: Ukrainians were shown which civil servants are paid salaries of 100 thousand hryvnias per month.

Image with civil servants earning 100 thousand hryvnias per month
Image with civil servants earning 100 thousand hryvnias per month

The average salary of employees of state bodies is increasing

According to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the average salary of employees of state bodies in August 2024 amounted to 55.8 thousand hryvnias. This is 44% more than at the beginning of the year, despite a slight decrease compared to July.

This is reported by “Khvilya”, referring to the data published by the Ministry of Finance.

Top 3 highest paying departments included:

  1. National Commission for Energy and Utilities (NERC) – 111.9 thousand UAH.
  2. Antimonopoly Committee – 97 thousand UAH.
  3. National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting – 79.7 thousand UAH.

Interestingly, the gap between the highest and lowest salaries in the public sector is quite significant. For example, employees of the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate receive an average of 36 thousand UAH - almost three times less than at NERC.

The increase in salaries in the public sector may be associated with attempts to retain qualified personnel and improve the efficiency of state bodies. However, it also raises questions about the transparency and justification of such high payments in some departments.

It was also previously reported that bonuses for some judges in Ukraine may be sharply increased.

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