NERC will involve investors in solving the debt problems of green energy.

NKREKP attracts investors to solve green energy problems
NKREKP attracts investors to solve green energy problems

The National Commission for Energy and Utilities will strengthen its activities in addressing problems facing renewable energy investors

The National Commission for Energy and Utilities (NERC) plans to intensify its work in solving problems, particularly debt-related, faced by investors in Ukraine's renewable energy sector. This was reported on the official website of the commission.

On October 4, NERC held a meeting with representatives of the renewable energy sector, associations, and the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and state energy companies. In particular, problems regarding timely settlements with RES producers for electricity and the possibility of adjusting the tariff for financing renewable energy were discussed.

There was also discussion about the responsibility of RES producers for imbalances in the market, mechanisms for compensating the cost of services to increase the share of electricity production from renewable sources, the introduction of guarantees of origin for electricity, and their recognition abroad.

For effective cooperation with RES producers, the head of the commission, Yuri Vlasenko, proposed the creation of a working group that would include one representative from each RES industry association, the Ministry of Energy, "Ukrenergo," and the "Guaranteed Buyer."

According to investors, the development of renewable energy in Ukraine should become a priority for the state, which should stimulate investments and the construction of new green energy power plants.

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