Polish Foreign Minister outraged that a Ukrainian barber in Warsaw is cutting his hair.

Polish Foreign Minister outraged that his hair is being styled by a Ukrainian hairdresser in Warsaw
Polish Foreign Minister outraged that his hair is being styled by a Ukrainian hairdresser in Warsaw

Polish Foreign Minister criticizes a young Ukrainian in a barbershop in Warsaw, who works there instead of defending his country

Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, expressed his concern that a young Ukrainian is working as a barber in Warsaw instead of serving in the Ukrainian army. He shared his thoughts in an interview with the publication "European Truth".

Minister said that when he visits a barbershop in Warsaw, a young Ukrainian cuts his hair, and he is surprised that this person is not fulfilling his duty to defend his country. He asks him: "Why are you here, instead of defending your country?"

Sikorski also noted that in Poland they do not provide social assistance to such able-bodied refugees, and they have to work to earn a living.

He compared the situation in Poland with the situation in Western Europe, where governments are more generous. He asks: "Is it normal to create financial incentives for people to live in other countries?"

Earlier, Sikorski also warned Ukrainian men about the risks associated with working abroad.

Polish Foreign Minister and the head of the Ukrainian MFA also reported that Ukrainian military personnel can be trained on Polish territory. Negotiations are currently underway to create a Ukrainian legion.

From October 2024, Ukrainian families with children who moved to Poland after the invasion will receive additional financial support. This program is intended to ease adaptation and ensure a stable life for Ukrainian refugees.

In 2025, Poland will introduce new conditions for the 800 Plus assistance program for Ukrainian refugees living in the country. Parents of children will have to specify the school in which they are studying in Poland.

From July 1, 2024, provisions of the law on aid to citizens of Ukraine have changed in Poland. New regulations have been introduced for individuals under temporary protection.

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