Olympics-2024: Bronze Medalist Learns Gender of Future Child in an Interesting Way.

Bronze medalist from Olympics-2024 looks at ultrasound image of future baby
Bronze medalist from Olympics-2024 looks at ultrasound image of future baby

American swimmer Ryan Murphy, who won a bronze medal at the 2024 Paris Olympics in the 100-meter backstroke, learned the gender of his future child right after the competition. This was reported by the American publication Today.

According to the publication, after the competition, Murphy's wife Bridget Continen revealed the gender of their expected child. She held a poster in the stands that read: "Ryan, we are having a girl!". Later, Murphy was seen in the stands hugging his wife.

"I was coming back, and Bridget held a sign that said, 'Ryan, we are having a girl'. That was the first Time I learned the gender of the baby. We thought it would be a boy. And everyone we talked to thought it would be a boy," Murphy said.

It is worth noting that this is already the seventh Olympic medal for Ryan Murphy. This makes him one of the most decorated athletes in the history of the Olympic movement.

Recall that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) published a photograph of Brazilian surfer Gabriel Medina on its website, calling his performance one of the most striking at the Olympic Games. In the photo, the athlete is soaring above the water.

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